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Dog etiquette on the beach

In some campsites, dogs are also allowed in special areas of the beach. However, in order for you and your umbrella neighbour to enjoy your holidays, it is advisable to follow a few simple beach etiquette rules:

  • Always ask your neighbours if the presence of your dog is welcome, it is better to change your place if the answer is no than spend a day on the beach under tension.
  • According to your dog’s character, you know who can or cannot approach, whether they are dogs or human beings: always remember this if you want to protect everyone’s tranquility.
  • Always bring a small shovel and bags along for removing excrements from the beach.
  • If your dog barks, calm it down and entertain it with games or “awards” you have brought along to handle emergencies.
  • When your trusty friend gets out of the water, you already know that it will drench within shooting distance by simply shaking water off its coat; remember this and take the necessary precautions and distances.
  • If your dog likes to dig holes, make sure that its activity does not disturb neighbours. And to let off excess energy, take it for a long walk on the water’s edge.
  • A well-trained dog respects human beings and other animals, behaves well in bars without begging bites from any table, does not bark continually and is not competitive with other dogs in the dog-friendly area.
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