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Always at hand while camping with your trusty friend

Essentials to always have at hand while on holiday with your dog include:

  • Kennel
    required for small-sized pets.
  • Leash and muzzle
    depending on the size of the dog, it is advisable to always have a leash and a muzzle, both rigid and soft, whenever travelling by train or going to beaches or camping places where it is required.
  • Familiar objects
    a travel kennel, a blanket and toys, to help your dog familiarize with the campsite better and faster.
  • Bowl and food
    a water bowl, rigid or soft depending on your preference, is essential to water and feed the dog if the campsite does not provide this service. And if your pet is a creature of habit and in the campsite there is no equipped market, it is better to prepare a large supply of biscuits and canned food.
  • Bottle and water
    it is advisable to always have water at hand for your 4-legged friend to quench its thirst.
  • Brush and shampoo
    keep your dog’s hair tidy and clean even on holiday, by using a special brush and specific products for the hygiene of the coat.
  • Medications
    if your dog suffers from hair, stomach or other problems and is used to taking medicines, or just takes them in case of an emergency, be ready. While on holiday, there may be problems with fleas or various pests, and in the summer great attention must be paid to mosquitoes, which may be very harmful to your dog. Bring a candle or repellent products to be placed around the tent or the campervan to clear the area.
  • Umbrella and shade
    when you are on the beach, remember to make your 4-legged friend lie in the shade; for top comfort, you can also get a small extra umbrella.
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